Shop is now open

I'm happy to announce that the shop is now open! You can browse all the various t-shirt designs it has to offer and get a 50% discount if you order by October 1st as an opening promotion discount. There are over 130 designs over 5 categories: 1. Animal Kingdom, 2. Pet Collection, 3. Zodiac Collection, 4. Chilling + Grilling, 5. Cookin' + Good lookin'. The intention behind the shop is to showcase the various designs I've worked on and to help gather a bit of passive revenue to further invest into game development. The Pets Collection is different from the other categories because all profit from sales of that collection will be donated to animal rescue organization and animal shelters for abandoned pets and domestic animals. If you like the style of the designs and would like to see some specific animal or a pet of yours featured in a custom design or you'd like to add some text you are free to contact me and we'll arrange something for you :)

Second Heading

Hello, this is my first blog post. I'm happy to announce the new website is live and there are a lot of things to come in the future. The redesign was done to better suit the logo and to accommodate the shop which will go live soon. If you're the kind of person that likes to be in the know and you enjoy what you've see on the website so far you can drop your email in the newsletter page so you don't miss out on stuff that's coming in the future.